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Five elements of sound medicine-five tones cure diseases

All diseases arise from the qi and stop at the sound. Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic

Wood sound enters liver

Anxiety and chest tightness, depression and insomnia can often listen to this music

Depression, mania and irritability, dark and yellow complexion can often listen to this music

Depression, mania and irritability, dark and yellow complexion can often listen to this music

Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia and dreams, etc. You can often listen to this music

You can often listen to this enjoyment of soothing the liver, chest tightness and shortness of breath, depression, etc.

Depression, chest tightness, insomnia, liver fever, etc. You can often listen to this music

Relieve liver stagnation and regulate liver qi (good)

Depression, chest tightness, etc. You can often listen to this music

Depression, chest tightness and shortness of breath, etc. You can often listen to this music

You are irritable and have a strong temper, but you can often listen to this when you are anxious

Depression, chest tightness and shortness of breath, etc. You can often listen to this music

You are irritable and have a strong temper, but you can often listen to this when you are anxious

Depression, depression, you can often listen to this music

Depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc. You can often listen to this music

Irritability, insomnia, depression, etc. can always be happy

Melodious and pleasant, soothing the liver and regulating qi

Depression, chest tightness, and abdominal discomfort can often be heard

Depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc., you can often listen to this music

You can often listen to this joy when you are depressed by liver depression, irritability and anxiety

You can listen to this music often when you are under high pressure, nervous stress, etc.

The sound of wood soars the liver, music from the depths of the soul

Depression, anxiety, stress, and often listen to this music

The sound of fire enters the heart

Recruitment to nourish the heart, relieve dryness and soothe the nerves. Listening time 19-23:00

My heart is depressed, my heart is upset, my insomnia is palpitation, but you can often listen to this music

Heart-nourishing and eye-catching, like a fairytale 4K town beautiful scenery

Chest tightness, depression, upset insomnia, etc. You can often hear this sound

Heart-nourishing and tranquilizing the nerves | Listen to music like the wind in a hot and annoying summer

5. Anxiety and fever, anxiety, chest tightness and shortness of breath, etc. You can often listen to this music

Help sleep, soothe the nerves, and purify the mind

Eliminate fatigue, promote qi operation, and enhance heart and spleen function

You can often listen to this music by nourishing the heart and spleen and replenishing qi and blood

Chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, restlessness, etc. can be often enjoyed

It sounds good and beautiful, nourishing and eye-catching

The local sound enters the spleen

Calm the nerves and stabilize emotions, reconcile the spleen and stomach, calm qi and blood, etc.

This music can be good for sleep, eliminate fatigue, promote tranquility, etc.

Obesity, indigestion, unadorned complexion, etc. can often be heard about this

Promote digestion, nourish qi and blood, brighten skin color, reduce fat and lose weight

Nourishing qi and blood, stabilizing emotions, etc.

Burnout, weakness, digestive dysfunction, overeating, etc. You can often listen to this joy

Xun's song "Chu Ge" is crying and complaining

Cultivate your vitality and store your energy, and you can fall in love with music that you can listen to once

The troubles are gone; autumn leaves are like flowers, and the good news is beautiful

The ancient Xun song is dusty in the depths of the soul, the ancient song "A Millennium" Ancient Xun

The sound of gold enters the lungs

Moisturize lung qi and enhance respiratory function. Listen frequently in autumn

Combing lung qi, improving human immunity, etc., breathing people can always enjoy this

Unblock the qi meridians, adjust and stimulate the energy of the body

Breathe smoothly and inject positive energy into the new day

Improve the body's immunity. Smokers can often listen to this music

Promote respiratory system function and balance lung qi

Maintain the respiratory system. Smokers can often listen to this music

Strengthen respiratory system function and improve insufficient defensive qi

Promote respiratory system function and balance lung qi

Replenishing vitality and balancing lung qi

Comb your lungs from inside to outside through music. Smokers often listen to this music

Best time to listen to music from 15:00 to 19:00

Water sound enters the kidney

Purify and soothe the nerves, depression, chest tightness and shortness of breath

Relieve spirit, promote sleep, enhance memory, etc.

Replenish body energy, relieve fatigue, relax, sleep well, etc.

Tiredness, irritability, restlessness and insomnia can often listen to this music

Feather sound strengthens the kidneys, and water and fire help calm the gods

Water and fire help calm the spirit, and the heart and kidney help each other to nourish the spirit.

Tonify the brain and kidney, soothe the nerves and help sleep, fatigue, forgetfulness, etc. You can often listen to this

Calm your nerves, be irritable, insomnia, dreams, stress, etc. You can listen to this music often

A master's work, Shiro Hisaishi's beautiful soundtrack!

Health care, fatigue, forgetfulness, etc. You can always listen to this joy

You can listen to this music often to nourish your brain and improve your intelligence, fatigue, stay up late, and have a dark complexion.

Comprehensive sound medicine

       "Suwen·Da Lun on Yin and Yang Responses to Xiang" in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic proposed that "the liver governs the eyes, and the sound is the horn; the heart governs the tongue, and the sound is the sign; the spleen governs the mouth, and the sound is the palace; the lung governs the nose, and the sound is the Shang; the kidney governs the ears, and the sound is the feather", pointing out that the horn sounds communicate with the liver, the sign sounds communicate with the heart, the palace sounds communicate with the spleen, the Shang sounds communicate with the lung, and the feather sounds communicate with the kidney. The five tones of Jiao, Xing, Gong, Shang and Yu are called the "Five Elements of Heaven". Each sound corresponds to the characteristics of the five viscera, so the five tones are also closely related to the functions of the viscera and even have healing effects.       Music therapy in sound medicine affects the physiological and psychological state of the human body through specific tones and frequencies. Different tones and frequencies can stimulate the body's meridians and viscera, adjust the circulation of qi and blood, and promote the body's self-healing ability. For example, high tones stimulate heart and lung function, and low tones regulate kidney and liver function. The melody and rhythm of music can also affect people's emotions and mental states, helping people relax and reduce stress.
