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Taoist Layman, skilled in Feng Shui adjustment and layout, enhancing financial resources and wealth, turning losses into gains, promoting health and longevity, enhancing academic success, aiding career advancement, fostering relationships and&n···

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Taoist Cultivation Style

How to Achieve Enlightenment? First, Let’s Talk About Cultivation and Mind Cultivation To cultivate Tao, we must first discuss how to practice and how to genuinely set our hearts on the path. Cultivation requires a correct understanding—it should not be driven merely by curiosity but also by a sincere belief in the practice. The Master says that the purpose of cultivation is to seek physical health, family peace, and ultimately longevity, leading to a state of foreknowledge and the ability to predict future events. The Master also emphasizes that Tao is neither a text that can be acquired through mere learning nor a skill that can be mastered through cleverness. Simply reading lectures will never lead to success. Achieving enlightenment does not come from wearing special clothing or speaking in mysterious and philosophical terms. Only sincere and correct practice is the sole path to enlightenment. Therefore, the key points of cultivation lie in sincerity and practice—reflecting inwardly and dedicating oneself to the practice. Over time, one naturally becomes integrated with the Tao, permeating every cell of the body, truly transforming the physical form into a divine one.